Today is my birthday and I'm not saying how many years that is. Too many! I remember when I was a child being vastly upset because my birthday was on the same day as the Coronation and that meant no post! To a child this was a disaster! Now the day isn't that important to me. However the sun shone and it was hot and balmy and so far its been lovely. I had a super bouquet of flowers from my friend Sue and Andrew my son sent me a pineapple slicer/corer which I am going to experiment with later tonight. It looks efficient but whether it works or not is another matter. Sarah my job share at work gave me a mystery book which will keep me lost to the world for some of this weekend. The title is actually 'Something for the weekend' which is apt!
Now that I am so advanced in years I am making the supreme effort to adjust the size of my waist etc. So I have re-joined the fitness club I used to go to and have been swimming for the past two mornings. This has been so invigorating. There was no way I was going to swim in the sea. Much too cold! Amputation at the knee was on the cards if I foolishly tried that method of exercise. And I have started walking to work so with all that exercise and the eating regime I am hopeful of results.
I am learning how to use Power Point. Of all the MS Office programs this is the one I've never used. But I have to get a slide show together by next week so I can have instruction on using digital tools in a class room situation. This is all new to me but should be fun.
Long may this beautiful weather continue. At least long enough that we could take the boat on the river Fal on Sunday! We could even take a picnic! Shades of Wind in the Willows! That was one of my favourite books as a child. I think at heart I am still a child!