Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Brilliant class this morning in our new venue. Lots of light; large airy room and sufficient tables for everyone and some over! What more could we want. Oh yes and it was very clean! Great fun was had by all and we all agreed it was a good move!

The quilt project is progressing well. We are making a variable sampler quilt with blocks of different sizes. We are using the quilt as you go method as the finished quilt is quite large! The blocks get progressively more difficult but each one is a learning curve with lots of quick techniques on offer. Fun for all regardless of ability!

I am busy making Crazy Patchwork Christmas stocking kits. They are about 11" high. Enough for a small gift or two! 

This throw has been languishing in my unfinished pile for too long so I have made a note to myself to get it finished! In fact I have decided to try and get one UFO finished each week! Will it work? We will see!

Saturday, September 08, 2012

The End of Summer

The last few weeks have been really busy and now I'm up to my eyes preparing for my patchwork class which starts on Wednesday. We are going to be making a varied sampler quilt using the 'quilt as you go' method. I'm really looking forward to the classes as they are such fun!

A few weeks ago we were in Scotland staying in our time share on Loch Rannoch. The weather wasn't brilliant but we had a good time. The first full day there we went to the local Highland Games which was a good laugh and most interesting. Fortunately the weather stayed fine! 

Later in the week we took the train from Rannoch Station to the next station and walked to Loch Ossion where Graeme caught two very good sized brown trout which we gave to my son and his fiancée later in the week. I however got eaten up by midges! I think I was the attraction of the week! I felt and looked as if I had chicken pox. Not a good look at all! We also visited a local craft shop near Aberfeldy which was interesting and after browsing the shelves for goodies we had home made cake and coffee. Yummy! 

Then after a few days at home we were off again to Harrogate for the quilt show there. Brilliant quilt show and only second in my opinion to Malvern! I indulged in some retail therapy and treated myself to some lovely things. 

I bought a fantastic bag pattern from Japan Crafts and some lovely fabric as well. I only have a large draw full of japanese fabric at home. Certainly no where near enough to make bags! Then I bought an electric hand held embellisher from Lady Sew and Sew. I haven't tried it yet and am dying to give it a whirl. I'm sure it will be great fun. Other things included a lap tray with under cushion and magnifying light. So useful in the dark evenings for crazy patchwork. All in all a good time! 
I also took some pictures for inspiration. Colours for dyeing and flowers for silk ribbon embroidery plus a few just because I liked them! 

This was a weird fungus growing on a tree!

Now we are home I am having to tidy up the garden, do some custom dyeing for various clients, make some samples for class and play with my new braid maker! Not much!