Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blog Hop Winners!

 In reverse order!

Third name out of the hat is:

Linda at

Linda please email me and let me know what colour of fabric you would like.
Second name out of the hat is:

J Fortune at

Joyce please email me and let me know what colour of fabric you would like.
First name out of the hat is:

Connie's Quilts at

Connie please let me know which colour you would like for the crazy quilt pack......elegance or roses

Can you all let me have an address to send to. Thank you! Can't guarantee things will arrive before Christmas!!

My email is    Congratulations to you all and thank you to everyone who came and had a look at the blog and took part!


  1. Thanks Valeri! I emailed my address. I will put the fabric to good use.

  2. Wow I won! Thank you very much Valeri for hosting this give away! My email is on it's way to you!

  3. Woo-Hoo!! Conny..3 times a charm!! Congrats girl!

    Congrats to the other winners as well!
