Thursday, October 13, 2011

This and That and some dyeing!

This view signifies the end of summer for me. Empty beach huts and an absence of people. The summer is over....what summer! 

The following and the picture above are pieces of crazy patchwork that I have put together to work on over the winter. I like to have some hand work on the go and I have plans for these pieces! The above piece was made from scraps of beautiful silk that I had. 

The piece above and the similar piece below are the front pieces for an armchair tidy. I find these small holdalls very useful for keeping one's sewing equipment in one place when sitting on the sofa sewing.I have worked quite a bit on these two pieces and there is every chance that I will get the whole thing finished in the near future!

 The next piece is a longer piece which I want to use as a runner. I shall be very careful where I place any beads so as not to make a rough and  uneven surface.


And the last piece I put together to take away with me to work on but I didn't actually do an awful lot! 

This is a hanging I did some years ago to demonstrate fabric manipulation. It was cut hand-dyed cotton cut and re-shaped and then overlaid with nets and then machine stitched. It is actually straight but the way I took the picture made it look very crooked!

I had net lying around and some hand-dyed fabric that looked like muddy fields so I did this study of leaves on mud. Very much an autumnal piece as is the next one which is similar though has more leaves. I love working with leaves! 

The next pictures are of yesterday's dyeing. A range of light and dark half metres. I dyed five metres of fabric in a bucket and then cut it up into half metres. The dyes were literally thrown onto the fabric as I was stuffing it into the bucket!

A slightly darker piece.

I did two lots of five metres and the second lot was very pastel as I was running out of dye and I just diluted it. Lovely pieces for skies and pastoral scenes!

This term in class I am doing an appliqué runner and this is it before sewing. This is a close up. The pattern is reversed at the other end!

I try to include at least one applique piece each year. The gooseberries were last years offering! We did a set of fruit blocks! 



  1. The leaves, that look not square is some curvature of the earth camera quirk. It is curiously hard to photograph something rectangular, so all sides run straight and true. That one is my choice.

    How big is the class you teach?

  2. I do think you've got a lovely eye for pattern and colour, do you think its a natural thing or can it be learned? practice do you think? I suppose a natural enthusiasm helps and I always get the sense that you are enthusiastic with your collections.
    Sue x

  3. Enthusiasm is always very high! However sometimes that is as far as it goes and I end up with a lot of half started things! lol Yes you can learn to work with pattern and colour Sue. It takes practice and someone to begin with giving you some advice! After that it gets easier with each piece you do. Or so my students say!
    Diana thanks for that information. Glad you like that one as it is one of my favourites! The class at the moment has twelve students but sometimes we can run at twice that. I prefer it smaller as I can do one on one more easily!
