I have two worktops in the centre of the room each of which is 30inches by 6 foot. They make a wonderful work surface for cutting out, ironing, putting packs together, etc. However this is a handy space for just dumping things down and then there is less room for work! The trouble is that finding a home for some of the dumped stuff is very hard which is why there needs to be some organisation!
The shelves on both sides of the room are full of storage boxes which are very useful and many of them are labelled but there are so many that finding things is difficult. Beads,threads, cutting tools, handy gadgets and paints are all mixed up together whereas with a bit of organisation they could all be stored together and then be much easier to find. So that is going to be my next project! I shall need to start early in the morning as I shall take things out of the workroom and stack them on our bed while I re-organised the space and then I will put them into their new organised positions! Well that's the plan and it will need to be done before we go to bed! :-)
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