Monday, September 15, 2008

Leaf Project

Leaves on Mud in situ!

Close up of 'Leaves on Mud'
I was inspired to make this piece by seeing the falling autumn leaves lying on the muddy ground. The contrast of the autumn colours of yellow and red against the brown of the mud was inspiring. When I'd fused the leaves in place I added strips of yellow net to represent the ploughed muddy fields and to mute the colours of the leaves as if they had been there a long time! Then I stitched through the top layers (top, wadding and backing) in diagonal lines with silver thread to represent rain. That commodity that we have had so much of over the last few months. The edges of the net I stitched with fancy leaf stitches to be the slick shine of water lying on the ground. It reminded me of frosty mornings when there would be a rime of frost on the furrows of the ploughed fields. Then I bagged it all out, edge stitched it all and voila one tray cloth. I was actually quite pleased with it and feel inspired to go and do another one. The ideas are coming thick and fast!

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