I've just finished reading this book. A quick synopsis is: A single mother who has become Vicar of an olde worlde parish with cobbled streets and timberframed houses starts her job with lots of problems not least of which is a haunted vicarage. She also has to contend with village feuds, especially over the putting on of a play about a 17th century cleric accused of witchcraft. The historical happenings of that time have been carried on into today and interwoven with these goings on are also some side issues involving the daughter. Murder and mayhem! I started it on Thursday and have to admit that I found it a bit slow and tedious to begin with. However I picked it up after the dyeing yesterday and got so into it that I didn't get to bed until gone 2.30 it was that enthralling. I HAD to know what happened. I wasn't totally enthusiastic about the ending as it didn't clear up all the little mysteries but left things to the reader to work out. Personally I like everything wrapped up at the end of a book but as there is another follow on book in this series then probably these things could be followed up then. But on the whole a most riveting book. If I can make some time today I will start on the next one in the series which is called Midwinter of the Spirit. ---
I say if I can make some time because suddenly I am in a panic. Firstly I have to press all the beautiful fabric I dyed yesterday and then I have to make a gargantuan effort to get the spare room, which acts as an overflow from my workroom, habitable because my daughter phoned last night and said she was coming down next weekend with the two children. So suddenly my lazy efforts at doing a gentle clear out is going to become a mad whirlwind of activity shoving things into boxes and no doubt sequestering them in the attic, never to be seen again! Aaaaah! I am looking forward to seeing her but I'm not going to hold my breath as she is as flaky as they come and it could be March before we see her! Grin! I do know one thing though. If I don't clear out this room she will definitely be here this coming weekend. Isn't that always the way! So onwards and upwards!
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