Wednesday, December 07, 2005

On having fun.......

To break the feeling of deadness and lack of creativity I made a small piece of felt this morning. I had some wool already carded so it wasn't too difficult to just throw it all together and make one small piece which I intend to cut up and use in a mixed media piece. It was very tiring actually making it and probably zapped my strength more than I intended(still suffering with the remains of this cold) but it gave me a great feeling of accomplishment so that at least was worth the effort. It isn't the greatest piece of felt in the world or even the greatest piece that I have ever made but it achieved its purpose and that was the main thing.

I then had time to spare and did some fabric painting while waiting for the felt to dry. After a while I got quite carried away and was chucking the paint on to odd scraps I had. I do like working with silk paints. They have a richness about them that makes them glow. The cotton pieces below are done with ordinary fabric paints but the odd scrap and the mad fishy were done with silk paints. Metallic paints are especially fun to play with. I started off being very restrained and geometric and then got bored with this and let it all rip. These pieces I will probably sew over to add texture and will then make them into mini somethings! I have put pictures of some bits below.

While I was doing all this I had a moment of complete certainty as to where I want to go and which path I want to follow. This was an incredibly uplifting moment as I've been feeling a bit lost of late. I can now start to really get my workroom organised as I know what I want to keep and what I can safely throw out. At last I may be able to unclutter myself. Now I just need time! But I do know one thing I shall dye up the fleece I've got sitting in the boot of my car and card it and then make it into felt as it will be much more use to me as felt than as a heap of sheep's fleece in my boot. And I hate to tell you this but its been there for nearly two years! This will be the first of many steps to the new tidied up me.


  1. Far out...when you bounce back it is to even greater heights. Fabulous felting and really love the retro looking fabric. This must mean you are feeling!

  2. I love your felt! I think it is very freeing just to play and splash paint around... enjoy!
