Monday, November 28, 2005

Apple project finished. It is square but I had to put it on the bed and then stand on a stool to take a picture looking down and the perspective is all awry. Martin thinks it looks like the corner of something! Which gave me the idea that I might make three other pieces to make the whole. A series! But then again perhaps not! I'm pleased its been a good exercise. Why the green? Well brown was too dull and I wanted to make the piece stand out which it does. Greeny/blue being complements of red and yellow seemed the ideal way to go. Its different. I like it!  Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. I like it, too! Good job, Val! I've now let 2 Simple Still Life projects go by, just haven't had the time, but find the way others take the challenge and create a product an inspiration in itself.
