Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I'm done!

Well I've got Martin's tax returned filed and done. Why haven't I got my tax return filed and done? Well may you ask! Its because I couldn't find the wretched password and user ID that I needed to file it on line. I looked everywhere and when I rang the tax help line the very nice lady on the other end actually said that I'd had to ask for help last year as well. So if I had the same trouble last year why didn't I make a note of it and put it somewhere I would find it a year later! But at least all the hard work is done and I can breathe again.

So with all this angst over my missing numbers we didn't get to eat until 8.30 and its now gone 9. Where does all the time go to? I am now back into the routine of work. As work goes it really isn't bad. I work as a receptionist for a consulting firm in the geological industry. Very rarely does anyone actually come to reception from outside except for delivery men. Mostly my job is answering the phone, filing and doing the post. And it does help to keep the wolf from the door. I could do more teaching but then I think I'd probably start to burn out. At the moment my teaching is fun and I really enjoy it but if I did more of it I think it would become a chore. Better to have a bread and butter job outside of what I do and it is only four hours a day. Later on I hope to be able to arrange with the girl I hot desk with that we do whole days each rather than split days and that way I might get to just do two whole days. That would give me much more time to sew and do things. Anyway being at work gave me time to think and plan and I've started to make use of the calendar and tasks facilities in Outlook. I am booking in the time for sewing and other jobs just as if they were appointments. This way I think I might be able to become more organised. In fact today, in complete contrast to yesterday, I'm feeling full of vim and vigour. Is this because a) I've done the accounts and b) that which I greatly feared came upon me and I survived!

I indulged myself and had a leisurely read of the blogs I enjoy reading. I always like reading Gabrielle's blog. Not only because she has really fascinating things on it but also because she makes me think! I think one of the greatest gifts one can have is to be inspiring to other people. And she is! Another blog I like is Lisa's. I enjoy her blog because it is so human. What did I do before I had blogs to read? I really can't remember but I am sure I was the poorer for the lack of them. I learn so much from what others have to say and impart. So thank you all who maintain a blog and keep it going fairly regularly! I do appreciate you all!

This is a picture of a bag I made and did some silk ribbon embroidery on. I am thinking of making up some kits for this to sell at shows. It is a very simple pattern but very effective and the bag is very versatile. I've been making this pattern for years; decades even! The leaves on the embroidery are done in fine tapestry wool as a contrast to the silk ribbon. I need to put some kits together as I don't have the time to make individual items but I do have all the stuff. This is a copyrighted design and I will get round to actually getting the symbol up!

© Valeri Bennett

There I did it!


  1. thanks for sharing yourself on blog Valeri, always such a pleasure to read. must get down to having a blog myself when I have something to its all beading and parchment lace cards etc.
    I bags ''please'' pretty please''( exuse the pun lol) a bag when they go on a sale? I just love the idea of silk embroidery on bags.

  2. Val, thanks for the kind words and I must return the compliment. I truly enjoy seeing and hearing all you are doing. Amazing, we are so far away and yet so close...the blog world is a good thing.
    Love the bag idea and the kits would be simple enough to do. Go for it.
