I spent the morning reading a book. This is a vintage classic that I read as a teenager and thought I'd like to read again as an adult. It is called 'I Capture the Castle' by Dodie Smith of 101 Dalmations fame. The book is very good and very descriptive of a bygone age. I am only a third of the way through it as I felt compelled to go and iron some more ribbons and put together some orders ready for posting tomorrow. It is amazing how long it takes to iron silk ribbon. I still haven't taken any photos or updated my website.
And I also felt the need to do another couple of postcards. However I wasn't very happy with either of these. I really should have left it until my arm was feeling better as it hampered my efforts. The first one was OK until I overdid it. I should have left it and not messed about with extra spirals. The second one I tried out the method of using a larger shape and satin stitching to the size and then trimming. I also used some wadding with this one too to accentuate the quilting. However it is just boring and I don't like the quilting. And I don't like this method so will revert to my earlier method of finishing off. It is easier to go off line this way and not so neat.
However I have loads of ideas and will devote time to this during the week. I don't have any classes this week which will make it easier. I am going to send myself one of the one's I don't like to test it going through the post. Can one just put a stamp on it and drop it into the box or does one have to go to the post office I wonder?
We went to Trago this afternoon. This is a local cash and carry that is cheap and among other things has a good art/craft department. So what was the first thing I saw? Stamps! Loads and loads of stamps. They had some acrylic shapes for sticking the stamps to and these were ideal as templates for cutting pieces as one was postcard size. There was an offer on the stamp sheets of two for the price of one so I had to have several! I got some letters and some leaves among other things. These seem very strange as they are self adhesive and stick to the acrylic and then peel off again for cleaning and then can be re-stuck on again. This means that different designs can be made. I shall have to play with them later on. Probably on my way to bed as it is nearly 11pm now. I also bought a smaller set of acrylic shapes that were intended as templates but which will also act as carriers for the stamps.....I think/hope!

I also bought a new frying pan as our old one was horrendously horrible and I couldn't stand it any longer. And marvel of marvels when I got it home I found that the old glass lid which was still perfectly sound fitted the new frying pan perfectly. Which is just as well as Martin had told me to measure the old one so that we could buy a new one the same size and I had forgotten to do it so I was saved! I managed to avoid going into the 'bowels of the earth' with Martin. This is what I call the car accessories department as it is in the basement and windowless, airless and crowded. I hate it but Martin gravitates there like a homing pigeon. So when I was finished shopping I sat on a wall outside and watched the world go by while I waited for him. Trago's is situated in a warehouse on the dockside at the far end of Falmouth high street. It is just off Custom's House quay where there is a quaint chimney dating from the 1700's where the customs officials used to burn contraband tobacco. Falmouth is'nt a particularly old town as before 1700 Penryn which is at the head of the River Fal used to be the main town. Pendennis Castle which is at the head of the estuary was built in the 1500's by Henry VIII to repel the Spanish and there were a couple of large estates but the main dwellings were further up the river. It is also famous for the packet ships which carried the mail to America. Gosh I don't know how we got onto a geography lesson when I was talking about shopping! I shall go and play with my new stamps for a wee while before going to bed.